Home > Proudct > Additives for Polyester staple fiber > HC-3588 Spin Finish Oil
HC-3588 Spin Finish Oil
Release time:2022-05-30 Reading times:535

It is a high elasticity spin finish oil for the two-dimensional and three-dimensional polyester staple fibers. The oil is used in the drawnline process. It has the properties of fluffy, antistatic, and smoothness, we focuses on improving the performance of fiber resilience.

【Physical and chemical properties】

Appearance:Transparent or Yellow liquid

Solid content:35%±2

PH      Value:7-9

Ion type:Cation type

Water solubility: Yes

 【Application method】

How to use:

Adjust the concentration of the configured oil according to the production equipment, conditions and targeted OPU. Non-silicone fiber: The targeted OPU is 0.15-0.25% range in 4D or below, and 0.25-0.4% above 4D. 


1)Water quality requirements: conductivity below 10us/cm, hardness below 3mg/L (with CaCO3), PH at 6.0-8.0.

2) This oil is used for the production of polyester staple fibers. Before using this oil for other purposes, please test the suitability.

3) All chemicals may have adverse effects on the environment and human body. For details, refer to the MSDS.

4) The oil will be turbid or frozen when it is below 0℃. Before use, warm it to 20~30℃ and use it after it is completely dissolved without affecting the quality.

5) The valid life of this product is 6 months, avoid direct sunlight, and transport conventional chemicals safely.